When you experience an incident at work that results in an injury, a workers' compensation claim may get you the medical and financial assistance you need. However, does exiting your job result in a loss of those benefits? Wading into a job search while still...
The Law Offices of Peter F. Ferracuti, P.C. Legal Blog
Employee Prevails on Concurrent Employment Notification Issue
In a case involving two consolidated claims against an employer, a claimant was able to prevail on the issue of whether he adequately notified his employer of concurrent employment. See Claimant successfully proves he notified employer of concurrent employment....
7th Circuit Age Discrimination Claim Dismissal Upheld
Last month, the Federal Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit upheld a ruling out of the Northern District of Indiana dismissing the Age Discrimination claims stemming from the hiring process for the new head baseball coach for Indiana University South Bend...
Procedural Aspects of Law Prove to be Just as Important as Substantive Elements of Law
The Fourth District Illinois Appellate Court dismissed an appeal from the Circuit Court for lack of jurisdiction, as the Circuit Court did not fulfill the necessary procedural niceties when reviewing (and reversing) the Commission’s decision(s) regarding an...
Beware of Ice, Natural or Unnatural
While I’ve traditionally posted about this topic around the time of the first substantial snowfall (acknowledging that we occasionally get flurries around Halloween, closer to the end of summer than the beginning of winter), the unseasonably cold weather these past...
Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours
It’s that time of the year again where I get to take a second between decisions and trials to thank our clients and our community for their support this year, and, as always, it has me thinking and considering about how to better count our blessings and extend...
Employer Gets It Wrong on Preemption Issue
A hotel employee brought a civil suit in federal district court against her employer, alleging violations of the Biometric Information Privacy Act (or “BIPA”), but her employer asserted that she should have filed a worker’s compensation claim instead, arguing that the...
The Americans with Disabilities Act, Fast Food, and the Visually Impaired: Part Three
This is not the first time (or second) time that I’ve written in this blog about the potential discrimination involved when fast-food restaurants keep their drive-through windows open later than their interior dining rooms, preventing the visually impaired from...
A Case in Which Certain Realities Are Recognized, to the Benefit of a Claimant
When an employee is injured while forced to perform his duties in a tricky and physically cumbrous position and manner, he can be awarded worker’s compensation benefits, if his aforesaid activities increased his risk of suffering injury while at work. See Employee...
What are your options after a car accident on the job?
When you are in an auto collision while on the job, you could find yourself injured and unable to work. When this happens, you may need financial help to cover your medical expenses and lost wages. There are two primary options for seeking this help: a workers’...