Why Are Workers’ Compensation Claims Often Denied?

In Illinois, most employers are required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance that covers occupational illnesses or work-related injuries. It is important to note that just because an employer has insurance does not mean your injury or illness will automatically be covered. In fact, it is extremely common for workers’ compensation claims to be denied.

Some of the most common reasons claims get denied include:

  • Not reporting your injury in time- In Illinois, all claims must be reported to your employer within 45 days of the accident date in question, but you should report your claim as soon as possible.
  • Not filing your claim in time- There is a three year statute of limitations on workers’ compensation claims in the state of Illinois; however, if the employer or their insurance company has paid any of your bills on your behalf beyond that three year statute, it is two years from the last date the claim was accepted or a bill was paid on your behalf. Of course, we never recommend that you wait that long to file your claim. All claims should be filed immediately upon accident occurrence.
  • Your employer disputed the claim
  • Your injury does not meet compensation requirements for causality
  • There is not enough evidence to prove the injury occurred at work

A denied claim is by no means a final judgment. If you have recently been denied workers’ compensation benefits, it is crucial that you obtain legal representation immediately.

Handling A Denied Claim

Having an attorney in your corner who understands the intricacies of the workers’ compensation process will provide many benefits. The Law Offices of Peter F. Ferracuti, P.C., is dedicated to helping injured workers obtain fair compensation. To efficiently serve your needs, we will act as your guide throughout the process from the date of injury forward. We are here to answer your questions, provide support and assist you in achieving your goal of fair compensation.

Schedule A Free Review

Contact us online to set up a free consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. Or call our Ottawa office at 888-488-4LAW(4529) or 815-434-3535.